McKinney 972.742.8076

Frisco 214.554.1852

Value Tutor

Adding Value to Education

Adding Value to Education

Adding Value to Education Adding Value to Education

Our Approach


Our simple 3-step approach to tutoring

Unlike other tutoring services that offer a cookie-cutter approach based on standard templates and worksheets, we focus on the student as an individual who is expected to perform well at the institution that best paves the way to their future - the School. Our 3-step process works as follows:

Step 1: From the moment you contact us for help with tutoring, we get to know your child - the school he/she attends, performance at school and current challenges

Step 2: We will work with your child to provide detailed instructions, coaching and assign homework to help him/her stay on track based on his/her individual needs

Step 3: Based on your feedback about your child's performance at school, we will continue to adapt to ensure your child's success in school.